Christ in the Passover

Update 22nd Sept – Unfortunately due to covid we have had to postpone this presentation, we will update our social media and this post when a new date has been confirmed. We are thrilled to have Jews for Jesus with us on Sunday  25th Sept to bring A Passover...
Uniform Bank

Uniform Bank

25th August 2022 we are pleased to be involved with Stapleford Mutual Aid Group & the Helpful Bureau to bring  the Stapleford Uniform Bank. This time we will be at the stapleford Market  on the Walter Parker VC Memorial Square. All items are FREE. We had a great...


Streets4Christ Did you know that there is a fantastic charity serving the fringes of our city’s community which is ran by members of our congregation? We are very honoured to have Paul and Minnie Traynor as part of our church family. The vision for Streets4Christ goes...
grub club summer 2022

grub club summer 2022

For the Nottingham summer break, our community Café will be offering a meal and drink for £1.50 for children of school age. All children MUST be supervised by an adult. There will be a basic menu available to Adults, however it is NOT necessary to buy an adults meal...
Staplefaux Tapestry

Staplefaux Tapestry

The Staplefaux Tapestry The Staplefaux tapestry is on tour, and has landed at the Haven. This is a brilliant community project showing the story of Stapleford in textiles. It can be viewed on Sundays during our church service and during our Café open times –...
A night to remember

A night to remember

We are looking forward to “A night to remember”. It’s a great social event with good food, good entertainment and a good God. Pre covid we had an annual party in January, known as our “Not the Christmas, Christmas party”. It was a time of...
Hemlock Happening

Hemlock Happening

We were so pleased to be involved with this years Hemlock Happening. The Haven boasted the Haven arena, which was a place for local community groups to perform. ”The very first Hemlock Happening was in the year. 2002, and was organised to celebrate Queen Elizabeth...


Kaléidoscope is our friendship group aimed at the over 50’s. However we do have members who are below that age. If you enjoy good conversation over a cup of Tea or Coffee and a mandatory slice of cake  we would love to meet you. We meet once a month (Always on a...


We are looking forward to joining with the rest of the community this June Bank holiday on the 2nd, 3rd & 4th followed by our Pentecost Celebration on Sunday 5th June followed by a fellowship meal in the...
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