Times of Refreshing

Times of Refreshing

We are looking forward to a great encounter evening with Dennis Goldsworthy-Davis.  ​Born ~ May 22nd, 1953  Early Life ~ Born in Southern Ireland & Raised in England  Salvation ~ Radically saved in 1973 from a life of drugs & violence Family ~ He has been...
Sunday 6th November is our baptism service,

Sunday 6th November is our baptism service,

On Sunday 6th November we are having a believer’s baptism. We believe that this is an important step of obedience in our faith. Jesus told his disciples to make disciples, baptising them in the name of the father, son & Holy Spirit.We would love you to join us and...

Christ in the Passover

Update 22nd Sept – Unfortunately due to covid we have had to postpone this presentation, we will update our social media and this post when a new date has been confirmed. We are thrilled to have Jews for Jesus with us on Sunday  25th Sept to bring A Passover...
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